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Working at Fido?

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May 4, 2008 6:12 am

I have an interview coming up at fidelity, and I would like to know what to expect.  I’ve read all sorts of stuff.  Some blasting their corp culture, some saying it’s a great way to get into the biz, and others saying it’s just a good way to get licensed.

I’m assuming it’s a flat salary with some sort of performance bonus, but I’m not sure what that is based on.  Is it the same sort of sales driven thing as working in a wirehouse?

I’d really appreciate some clarification and guidance, thank you!

May 4, 2008 7:59 pm

Haha, nice.  I’m just trying to get my licenses to move into a wirehouse, and get out of my current situation (bank). 

I have a letter and stuff into Smith Barney, who I interviewed with about a year ago, and I’m in the process of trying to get into SB, MS, ML, etc.

May 5, 2008 12:20 am

Valid.  Which is why I’m asking for guidance.  I’ll get more relentless
with my wirehouse hounding, and just feel out what fido has to say. 
Right now I’m getting boned 6 ways to sunday by my current employer.

My end goal (at least for the next 10-15) is to work at a wire, and be
wildly successful.  I’ve done very well at my other jobs in terms of
sales, and the biggest thing I need to work on is being more resilient
to office politics…