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May 10, 2006 10:57 pm

I'm young, motivated, and educated... but I don't know where to begin.  I have a friend who works as an FA for PNC Bank, and I have a friend who works as an FA for Axa.  They're both successful and enjoy their work. 

Apparently, they work on opposite ends of the spectrum (entrepreneurial v. bank), and I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions as to which end of the spectrum is better to start off on.

May 11, 2006 3:44 am

Do what you went to school for, I implore you. As far as I am concerned this busines is good for people who know a lot of very wealthy people on a very personal level.

To call this business entrepreneurial is a bit misleading. Entrepreneurs have Capital to make money.  

May 11, 2006 5:17 am

Don't start at either

    Banks are a joke, and insurance companies aren't far behind.  Go independent and hook up with a good broker or start at a big firm.  Anyone can be successful at this business if they are motivated enough.

May 11, 2006 1:36 pm

why the hell do you want to be a broker after law school?  at least be a lawyer for a few years to make some $$ and connections

May 11, 2006 1:54 pm

AXA is far from entreprenuerial.  You have to work within their model and sell, more or less, what they want you to - ie., mostly insurance and VAs.  Look at one of the better firms on the street to start with - Merrill, Smith Barney, etc.  Push AXA out of your mind.  Your friend likes it and that’s great, but comparing a top AXA rep to a top Merrill rep is like having the Yankees play a softball team comprised of 8 year old girls.