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Feb 10, 2015 6:26 pm

I am in the initial interview stages for the Financial Advisor in Training (FAIT) program at Wells Fargo and currently living in NJ. I came to NJ a year ago to begin a career in WM because I had connections in the area. However, I've realized that NJ is not the place for me and I would like to relocate back to California. If I begin the program in NJ is it expected that I stay here? Can you begin the training program in one location and relocate for the apprenticeship? Is relocation an option after completion? I feel that such an opportunity only comes around once and would not want to loose out, but I know NJ is not the place I want to build a book. I feel that disclosing my desire to relocate will cost me the opportunity. 

Mar 28, 2015 5:09 am

This is a tough one. I just completed the fait training and it is a great program, the best in the nation actually. I would definitely stay and once hired I’ll try to relocate. Don’t miss out on this opportunity.