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Wells Fargo

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Oct 12, 2012 7:31 pm

Hey everyone,

I have an offer from Wells Fargo for the financial advisor training program and was wondering if any one had experiences with the program and what to expect. I am coming in licensed with Series 7, 63 and Life and Health. It seems like a great training program and they pay on any size account but the managing director made it seem like the whole goal was to put clients into their advisory platform. I would like to know can you actually manage individual client portfolios with stocks, bonds, and hedge risk with options.

My background includes one year as a broker trainee at a small investment firm, selling stocks and private placements. Cold calling was the primary method of cold calling and it was based on the Lehman Brothers cold calling system. Got plenty of leads and opened accounts.
Last two years I was working as a research analyst for two financial advisors and helped them manage the portfolios. So I know how to value and analyze securities.

Jan 29, 2013 7:55 am

I have tried this kind of program and it’s pretty good specially if this offer is from the Wells Fargo because they are known as one of the best in terms of financial strategies. This training is applicable for you because based on your background it includes the broker trainee even it’s just a small investment firm as well as selling stocks and private placement. You can take a lot of advantages with this training program so grab the opportunity.-chili burn

There’s nothing wrong in trying so don’t let this chance pass by, grab it and take it. Don’t worry there are no consequences on this infact you can learn new ideas in terms of financial advisor.

green people

Charlotte Book

Jan 29, 2013 5:53 pm

In the past couple of years I have completed the Wells program PM me and I can give you more information.

Dec 10, 2013 8:54 pm

Any new insight on the program? How did it go with Wells program? I’m considering going with them for the program too…