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UBS Registered Sales Assistant

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Oct 25, 2005 3:17 pm

I live in Los Angeles and I am interviewing for a Registered Sales Assistant at UBS.  I currently work for a large firm and have about 2 years experience as an assistant.  I work one on one with a senior vice president and I would be doing the same there. 

I was thinking of asking for 50-55K.  Is this a good asking price and is there anything else I should negotiate in?

Oct 25, 2005 9:59 pm

Is 50-55k the total compensation that you are asking for, or is it the fixed salary part? From what I hear, UBS registered sales assitant usually get a small base salary ranging from 30-45k (depending on experience) plus a % of month revenue of the FC that they are working for.

Nov 3, 2005 7:37 pm

I would want a base of 42-45 and then 50-55 with brokers bonus.