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Jun 7, 2006 4:59 pm

Hi all,

I'm looking for some thoughts on how to approach this situation...

I'm currently a client with one of the large wirehouses and am interested in exploring a career as a financial advisor. Since I'm familar with much of what the firm I'm with is all about, I'm thinking it might be a good fit to work there.

So, would you all recommend discussing this with my FA to get a feel for the career aspect some more, perhaps get some advice, and even get a foot in the door through my FA or should I explore the possibility of working for them through other channels and keep it under wraps with my FA as much as I can.

Any thoughts on this will be appreciated...

Jun 7, 2006 8:51 pm

Not really sure but this is a pretty cool post. Im wandering if he would try to push you away from the business so he would not have to give up your assets or possible present or past referrals. Im looking foward to see what everyone has to say.

Jun 7, 2006 8:59 pm

Most FA's would relish the opportunity to bring a client into the business.  It is a great situation for the rep.   If the client comes on board, he'll probably bring the FA on board with good joint work opportunities.  If the client either fails out of the business or decides that he doesn't want to come into the business, he'll probably become a tremendous referral source since he'll understand the importance.

There is no down side to talking to the FA.  The FA can give you the straight scoop that a recruiter won't give.  The FA, especially if he's a good producer, can be very beneficial in getting the job.

Jun 7, 2006 9:21 pm

[quote=wonderingaloud2]So, would you all recommend discussing this with my FA to get a feel for the career aspect some more, perhaps get some advice, and even get a foot in the door through my FA or should I explore the possibility of working for them through other channels and keep it under wraps with my FA as much as I can.[/quote]

That's how I got in for an interview for ML.  While my FA has been there for years and did not go through the training program, he was a valuable asset to get a foot in the door.

I'm still deciding if I'll take the offer.  If you are currently able to warrant an FA then chances are you won't like the starting salaries.