Taking the Series 7 the 12th
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I am taking my Series 7 on July 12th. This is my first NASD exam. I am a TERRIBLE test taker and am very worried/nervous about taking this exam. I have been studying for awhile using STC. I have been scoring in the mid to high 80% on the practice exams, BUT they aren’t blind. I have a pretty good understanding for most the info on the practice test. Am I ready to take the exam? Thanks for the replies!
I have been taking these test over and over… So after seeing the test a few times I am scoring in the 80s…
Am I ready?!?
I had a great Series 7 with Kaplan as well. I wouldn’t recommend the online tests though, the site was incredibly cumbersome with my 24, and would often time out; it essentially triples the time it takes you to go through 100 questions versus the CD test software (which is the same price).
But if you’ve got options/bonds/munis down, and can do the math blindfolded, you should be well prepared!
Newbie, you are not ready. If you are doing the same test over and over, you should be scoring 100 or damn close. Even then, it doesn't mean that you are ready, since it's all questions that you've seen.
Let's see if I can be of help. 1) When you take a practice exam, if you get a question right, as long as it wasn't a complete guess, never look at that question again. This means that either that you know the answer, or you'll probably make the same educated guess on the actual exam. This stops you from spending time on things that you already know. If you have a good feel of the material, you can probably get yourself within a day or two to the point that you can answer every STC question correctly. Once you do this, go to step 2. 2)Get practice exams from a different source...Kaplan,etc. Take a practice exam. If you pass, you are ready for the exam. Most likely, you will fail. Don't redo any questions that you got right. Keep doing practice exams with what you got wrong. Within a couple of days, you'll dominate these exams also. You are then ready to take the test. Disclosure: I scored mid-80's, but I knew absolutely nothing about options. Time constraints limited my studying, so I made a calculated decision to skip options and then go back if I had time. I didn't have time. All that I know is that I got less than 50% on options questions and I assume that I was close to 25%.IF i fail my series 7 I know I have to wait a month which isn’t a HUGE deal, BUT I am going on vacation to europe with my family for almost a month and will not be able to study much. Does anyone know IF i fail will I be able to take my test someone in europe???
Don't even think that way. You have all week to take as many practice tests as you can. Do that and then take the day before the exam off and just relax. Just like once you get in to production, if you start thinking of your backup plan you are halfway out the door in this business. Good luck!IF i fail my series 7 I know I have to wait a month which isn’t a HUGE deal, BUT I am going on vacation to europe with my family for almost a month and will not be able to study much. Does anyone know IF i fail will I be able to take my test someone in europe???
I would recommend to go to the FINRA web site http://www.finra.org/web/groups/corp_comm/documents/home_page/p038201.pdf
and look at the relative weight for the sections. If you see a particular area that is weighted heavily and you are weak-then you know what to focus your efforts on. I would also recommend you stop shotgunning all those pre-tests and instead use the the results to focus on where you are weak. That's what they are for, to identify your weak areas. But don't spend alot of time on something that isn't weighted heavily. Now is the time to focus. One other thing, no cramming the night before and finish your dump sheet now so you can have it memorized. After you walk in the testing center, write all that info down prior to starting the tutorial. It will help you in the long run.Wait, your're going to take the test then take off to Europe for a month? The company that hired you is ok with that? Are they paying you for that month? I guess it's better to vacation before going into production, but a whole month?IF i fail my series 7 I know I have to wait a month which isn’t a HUGE deal, BUT I am going on vacation to europe with my family for almost a month and will not be able to study much. Does anyone know IF i fail will I be able to take my test someone in europe???
Friend, let’s just say it’s too late to worry about it. Get in there and kick some a$$. Let the bones fall where they may. When I hit the button that warned me “are you sure you want to score the test?” My heart damn near broke out of my chest. Good results, just don’t go in there tired man. Good luck!
sorrry! I have been SUPER busy trying to study. I moved my test back till this upcoming tuesday the 15th. I am not scoring mid-high 70’s on test that I have never seem before. Thanks for all the advise from everyone. I will keep everyone updated on my results…