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Jan 31, 2009 10:19 pm

What has worked for me is a call that goes something like…

"I know this is a tough market. It’s especially important to do a thorough portfolio review in this kind of environment. Have you done a comprehensive portfolio review recently?"

Modify it to your own specifications but if you make 100 dials you’ll get 2 or 3 bites. I always have. Too bad in California they’re making our DO NOT CALL list such a pain in the you know what.

The other classic call is to find a local tax free school bond. You can almost make it sound like you’re doing a community service calling them with the local school bond.

It makes no difference what you call on. I’ve made lame calls using a callable CD with an attractive rate and had people say, “Oh by the way do you do rollovers”.

My rule is make the call so simple it’s hard to screw up. Not that I have all the answers because I’m struggling right now but those ideas have gotten me through five years.

Jan 31, 2009 11:18 pm

Hank you need to slow down a little bit. We run 4 seminars per month for a reason, and its not because there unsuccessful. On average we have about 60 buying units and about 30% check yes and about 50% of the 30% become clients. I am simply saying that they are willing to come in because we sold them on us, and of course the message is strong but by the second half I could start talking about the weather and they would still have checked yes.

  If you have 60 buying units per seminar and getting 9 clients a week - I wouldn't see any need to be doing cold calling - just deepen the relationships.  Same applies if it is 60 units over the 4 seminars.   In regard to a script - I started a new rep in our office and I have him calling on muni's.  He is using an old line from Harry Pappas, Jr.   "Mr. Client this is ___ from ___.  We currently have available a AAA rated, insured municipal school bond that is double tax free.  I was calling to see if you would be interested in knowing the rate of this bond?    - First answer is almost always yes.
Jan 31, 2009 11:40 pm
Hank Moody:

At first, i was going to advise you that it is useless to get into a pissing match wtih Hank. Nobody is better at it then he, and he is a nasty ass negative person who gets his rocks off by tearing other people apart on this board, for some reason that only Sigmund Freud could figure out.
However, as this thread developed, i realized, you are a dolt. You dont know what you are talking about, dont know how to spell, and your facts from one post to the next are completely inconsistent.
I never ever thought i would say this, but in this case, I agree with Hank.
You are a liar and a dolt.

I exchanged a couple of PM’s with egg. He admitted to being dishonest. He’s been in the business for 15+ years.

Nobody on this planet has a better bullshit detector that me. It’s been like that since I was little. If someone here is lying, I will say something about it.

  That felt good just reading it!!!
Feb 1, 2009 5:54 am

On average we have about 60 buying units and about 30% check yes and about 50% of the 30% become clients.

I don’t know, I never liked being thought of as a unit.

Perhaps that’s how most people feel. Are people bummed because they lost money? Of course, but they’re more bummed because they don’t know what to do next. Sure, you can sell them a muni, you can sell them an annuity, but do you think they really want to be sold on anything right now? Sell them on you, if you can, and when you sell that, you can say anything you want.

Feb 2, 2009 2:45 pm
Hank Moody:

At first, i was going to advise you that it is useless to get into a pissing match wtih Hank. Nobody is better at it then he, and he is a nasty ass negative person who gets his rocks off by tearing other people apart on this board, for some reason that only Sigmund Freud could figure out.
However, as this thread developed, i realized, you are a dolt. You dont know what you are talking about, dont know how to spell, and your facts from one post to the next are completely inconsistent.
I never ever thought i would say this, but in this case, I agree with Hank.
You are a liar and a dolt.

I exchanged a couple of PM’s with egg. He admitted to being dishonest. He’s been in the business for 15+ years.

Nobody on this planet has a better bullshit detector that me. It’s been like that since I was little. If someone here is lying, I will say something about it.

  Wow...I am totally surprised.   On a slightly different topic, I wanted to run an idea past some of you in this forum. I am thinking of an investment strategy that I think is totally it is...I am going to talk a bunch of HNW individuals, charities, and businesses to invest with me. Then I am going to put the money in my savings account, just to be safe. Then, each year I am going to show a 14% return to these clients on their statements. THEN, if they want their money back, assuming I haven't "invested" it in some Park Avenue real estate, I will pay them with with all the new money coming in. What do you think?
Feb 2, 2009 3:14 pm

Might have been funny under the Madoff thread 6 weeks ago.