Size of Branch/Agency
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There seems to be consensus on this board that the branch/agency you join has a significant impact on your chance of success. Outside of how well you mesh with the manager, does the size of the branch/agency make a difference? Is it generally more helpful to join a large branch/agency with a sizable amount of veteran producers (but where you may get lost in the shuffle) or a smaller branch/agency where you could probably get more individual attention when it comes to learning the sales process but may not have the resources allocated to a larger branch/agency? Any input is appreciated.
Agreed. The more you focus on outside garbage the less you are focusing on the important stuff. Whether there’s 40 people or 10 people it will not affect whether you are able to learn how to explain an annuity or the diff. between A, B and C shares to a client.
I understand that a FA has the most control over whether he/she succeeds and the venue matters significantly less than the effort someone is willing to put forth. But there have to be branches/agencies out there where a disproportionate number of new FAs succeed (and more than a few where a disproportionate number fail) and I was wondering what those branches/agencies may have in common. As it is, the odds of making it are stacked against you. Might as well do everything in your power to make them a little less daunting.
People succeed door knocking in kansas with jones and have no office. People also succeed in Manhattan working for GS. People fail in both situations too.
Stay focus on your own performance.