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Should I continue to work for me or go corporate?

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Oct 6, 2008 6:43 pm

Fellow professionals,

I’m a 32 yr old insurance professional with 6 yrs experience in life and health insurance.  This month, I will begin the task of studying for the ChFC & CLU marks.  I will also be completing a B.S. in Finance at UNC Chapel within the next 4 yrs.  Upon completion of my credentials, I plan to offer the full assortment of financial planning for my clients, however, the path that I should take is somewhat cloudy.  To explain, I’ve never sold securities or advised in this arena, however I’m not a sales neophyte.  I’m curious to know, in your opinion, is best to work with an established firm or simply continue working under my company, that I’ve been building from the ground up and work my way into the investments slowly?  RIA, could possibly be a good idea in order to avoid the regulatory nightmares that I’ve been reading about in financial publications.  Any advise that you may be able to contribute would be greatly appreciated.