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Mar 14, 2007 9:30 am

Topics? How to get contact information from attendees (voluntary sign-in, evaluation forms, etc.)? Snacks? Any other helpful pointers?

So far, I think I am going to try and do seminar topics on a rotating basis...possibly doing: intro to financial planning, intro to investing, intro to retirement planning, and intro to college planning. I was hoping that maybe you guys had some other ideas on possible topics as well. With regards to getting the attendees' contact information, I was probably going to go the evaluation form seemed the least uncomfortable for everybody. Any better ideas? I am thinking about doing some snacks and beverages, but I am already going to try and rent out a seminar room for these so I want to keep the costs manageable. Thoughts/suggestions?

Mar 14, 2007 11:32 am


Topics? How to get contact information from
attendees (voluntary sign-in, evaluation forms, etc.)? Snacks? Any
other helpful pointers?


The first step is to post in the Prospecting Marketing and Selling Forum.

Use the search function.
Mar 14, 2007 11:45 am

it seemed the least uncomfortable for everybody.

Uh oh.  You're in trouble.  You need to read "The Common Denominator of Success".  It's a speech from 1940(?) from a Prudential insurance agent.  It has nothing to do with seminars.   It deals with pleasureable methods vs. pleasurable results.

If you are going to succeed, you better focus on the results and not the methods.

Mar 14, 2007 1:40 pm

[quote=AllREIT] 1) The first step is to post in the Prospecting Marketing and Selling Forum.


Very valid point. In my defense, the bottom 3 forums aren't used as much and wouldn't have gotten as much visability. But, still a valid point.

Mar 14, 2007 9:36 pm


Very valid point. In my defense, the bottom 3 forums aren't used as much and wouldn't have gotten as much visability. But, still a valid point.


Post in the right forum, and I'll give you all the seminar advice you can handle. Deal?