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Feb 8, 2009 3:54 am

[quote=smokescreen agent][quote=RickRoss] [quote=anonymous][quote=RickRoss]

Whole life....

Life insurance was never meant to be an investment.  All we should REALLY be selling is term.[/quote]   You are correct that it's not an investment.   The fact that it's not an investment is a major selling point.   It's all about the death benefit.   If someone believes that everybody should only buy term insurance, they don't understand life insurance.[/quote]

Tell that to Suze Orman, personal finance guru, and one of the Top 100 most influential people in the world.  I bet she has more money than you and me combined, but she didn't get it selling whole life.
[/quote]     F'ing WOW... Love how you explained who she is, as if people here don't know.   Get ready to meet Ronald McDonald, fast food guru, and your future boss.[/quote]   I would never work for your daddy.  Oh wait, I'm your daddy, and my name's not Ronald, it's Ricky.  Shut up, son!
Feb 8, 2009 3:56 am

[quote=RickRoss][quote=smokescreen agent][quote=RickRoss] [quote=anonymous][quote=RickRoss]

Whole life....

Life insurance was never meant to be an investment.  All we should REALLY be selling is term.[/quote]   You are correct that it's not an investment.   The fact that it's not an investment is a major selling point.   It's all about the death benefit.   If someone believes that everybody should only buy term insurance, they don't understand life insurance.[/quote]

Tell that to Suze Orman, personal finance guru, and one of the Top 100 most influential people in the world.  I bet she has more money than you and me combined, but she didn't get it selling whole life.
[/quote]     F'ing WOW... Love how you explained who she is, as if people here don't know.   Get ready to meet Ronald McDonald, fast food guru, and your future boss.[/quote]   I would never work for your daddy.  Oh wait, I'm your daddy, and my name's not Ronald, it's Ricky.  Shut up, son![/quote]   Yep, looks like somebody broke into moms scotch tonight... you still live with mom, right?
Feb 8, 2009 5:10 am

Rick is ML, that means he is a stud.... as long as he doesn't get cut with all the other newbs.

Feb 8, 2009 5:37 am

Rick, it’s better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

I can see your first appointment now…

Prospect: What kind of research do you do on your recommendations.

You: I watch Cramer and Suze every night!

Prospect: Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight…

Feb 8, 2009 8:25 am

Suze Orman knows a lot more about carpet than finance. I’m just sayin…

  Dude, other than a classic Hank Moody comment, that's the funniest post I've heard in a long time.
Feb 8, 2009 8:31 am

Could we get back to the topic??

  Let's be honest.  If you've done $96k in production thus far, you're not going to do $19k in one month unless you get lucky and completely drain your pipeline all at once.  No product will save to more people, get more appointments and open more accounts.  Don't rely on a product.....just fight like a mother to see people.
Feb 9, 2009 2:34 am

I have until mid may to get it…so I have about 3 months…

Feb 9, 2009 2:40 am


Whole life....

Life insurance was never meant to be an investment.  All we should REALLY be selling is term.[/quote]   If you don't know what you're talking about, I would suggest keeping quiet.
Feb 9, 2009 2:42 am

[quote=RickRoss] [quote=anonymous][quote=RickRoss]

Whole life....

Life insurance was never meant to be an investment.  All we should REALLY be selling is term.[/quote]   You are correct that it's not an investment.   The fact that it's not an investment is a major selling point.   It's all about the death benefit.   If someone believes that everybody should only buy term insurance, they don't understand life insurance.[/quote]

Tell that to Suze Orman, personal finance guru, and one of the Top 100 most influential people in the world.  I bet she has more money than you and me combined, but she didn't get it selling whole life.
[/quote]   Suze Orman owns a rather large WL policy through NML.  She tells people to avoid WL because most people need to take care of other needs before getting a permanent policy.  Which for most folks, is a large term policy as an alternative.
Feb 9, 2009 5:55 am

Ckn are you currently with LPL or trying to hit the minimum to make the jump to LPL.  If you are at a wire why not find an existing LPL office to take you on and act as your OSJ to allow you to grow your practice a bit.  125 k is super small to just jump ship and start your own company and pay all the expenses associated with being an Independent.  Long run could be better for you to move into being an Indy slowly.

Feb 9, 2009 2:30 pm

Already with LPL, mine own OSJ, but I have to keep a minimum production level of $125K to stay… Most of my practice is feebased, so down quite a bit(as is everyone else)…

Feb 9, 2009 5:54 pm

Suze Orman was the number one selling variable annuity rep at her company before making it big.

I believe she also sold quite a bit of whole life.

But, she did not make her fortune selling life insurance or securities. She has made her jack the old fashion way - by telling massive amounts of people what to do.

Personally, I don’t see why everybody has a problem with Suze. When I was at Jones, they made a big deal about how she was an idiot when it came to advice. A lot of what she says about budgeting and credit management make sense. Would I let her manage my portfolio? Doubtful.

And my guess is that she has someone else manage her investments. She is not an investment advisor.

But she is certainly no idiot.

Feb 9, 2009 6:17 pm


You don't have to have $125k to stay with LPL (I don't think).  You DO have to have $125k to stay your own OSJ with LPL.  So, if you miss the number, you can either pay LPL to be your OSJ (like 10 to 15% more in override), or pay a local LPL 24 to be your OSJ. You would be considered a "non-OSJ" office, and you could still work out of your house.  It's up to you and the OSJ what you pay him/her.
Feb 10, 2009 2:49 am

Yeah that is what I am trying to avoid…