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PASSED the S66: Thanks to YOU + TC (Training Consultants)!

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Sep 9, 2012 3:09 pm

94%!! omg.

I just wanted to wholeheartedly thank the contributors and participants of this "Rookies & Trainees" Forum for their real, honest posts about their Series 66 experiences. 

My friend and co-worker had gone through the testing a year before me, and he barely passed with a 75%. He used STC, got frustrated with it, then used Kaplan. He mentioned this forum as a general resource (not as a place to research other prep companies). 

But I kept reading all the rave reviews about TC, and I was sold. It is thanks to this forum and the TC course that I passed the first time.

I am absolutely in no way affiliated with TC (I agree this site seems so slanted towards TC for the 66 that caution and skepticism and questions of legitimacy could abound), but I am telling you:

I have seen the Promised Land. And the easy road is TC.

And, to further establish my non-bias, I still have 101 days left on my course (hint, hint). I got the whole shabang but want to keep the hardcopy pack for future co-workers. PM me.

1) If you're already studied material elsewhere, use the test bank. I believe you could simply memorize the questions and you'd pass--the questions are that similar.

2) If you've not studied material elsewhere, the recorded instructor is PAINfully slow at times. But it's worth it to get all the highlights she points out. You could simply take physical notes since I'm keeping my pack. And then of course do all the practice tests.

Sincerely & Gratefully,


Sep 9, 2012 8:49 pm


94%!! omg.

I have seen the Promised Land. And the easy road is TC. And, to further establish my non-bias, I still have 101 days left on my course (hint, hint). I got the whole shabang but want to keep the hardcopy pack for future co-workers. PM me.</p>

1) If you're already studied material elsewhere, use the test bank. I believe you could simply memorize the questions and you'd pass--the questions are that similar.



Congratulations on passing the test with such a high score. With that said, this post has issues on more than one level. First, suggesting that people memorize questions is bad advice in general and particularly bad given the FINRA lawsuit versus Training Consultants that is in progress. The filing of the lawsuit is public information. I will not comment on the case until it is resolved. There are two sides to every story. I was very surprised when I read the allegations. Next, selling your Training Consultants license probably violates their use agreement.

Sep 12, 2012 3:51 pm

I just saw that news regarding the lawsuit this morning. I’d say that’s probably very bad news for anyone who just bought the test bank. I think the way they present the information in the book is still the best of any of the other prep companies. But yeah, I’d bet anything in that test bank right now has probably been deleted from the FINRA database.

Sep 13, 2012 8:42 pm

Will be interesting to see how this one turns out. The hearing is scheduled for this Monday.

Sep 19, 2012 1:24 pm

Hey guys, I had a question for anyone who has used TC in combination with another testing site. I failed my 63 three times using STC but I was allowed to take my 66 (taking it Friday) but they gave me STC materials again. I tried to use them for a week but it didn’t seem like anything was sinking in. So through the forums advice, I bought just the online quizzes from TC and I haven’t failed a single exam yet (took ever section test and final 2x). Ive went back and took 3 of STC’s final exams and failed 2 of 3. I’m worried that TC is “too easy”. Does anyone know If STC’s finals are the same format as the actual exam (same % of questions per topic)?

Sep 19, 2012 2:57 pm

Anthony, I heard that TCs material seems easy but that its because it focuses only the material you need to know. I used STC and was getting low 80s on the exams before I took the 66 and barely passed with a 76. The STC exams seemed somewhat related to the test but the big difference is the choices they give you on the real rest are much harder to pick out which one is right. For example:
STC Exam- What happens when its cloudy outside?
A) It rains B) Its sunny C) Earthquake.
The real test- What happens when its cloudy outside?
A) It rains B) thunderstorm C) It hails.

Sep 19, 2012 7:51 pm

I just don’t understand how two training companies can be so much different.

I just am concerned if I’m actually retaining the knowledge. I’ve gotten anywhere between 76% (first test) and a 95% with training consultants. I just don’t want to get blindsided by the actual exam.

Sep 20, 2012 12:16 pm

[quote=Anthony_c]I just don’t understand how two training companies can be so much different.

I just am concerned if I’m actually retaining the knowledge. I’ve gotten anywhere between 76% (first test) and a 95% with training consultants. I just don’t want to get blindsided by the actual exam.[/quote]

My last TC final: 92.
Series 66 Exam: 92

Sep 20, 2012 9:26 pm

Thanks Joe…I’ve just been extremely nervous about this since I’ve failed my 63 a few times.

Sep 24, 2012 6:12 pm

I had started using TC through my employer training and they decided that with recent events regarding training consultants they made the switch over to Kaplan. Well I used to get 80-90 test scores with TC and I am now getting 50-76 with Kaplan. I wanted to see what everyone else thought about the Kaplan program. I do not like it as compared to TC.

Sep 24, 2012 9:04 pm

Kaplan has a reputation of being very comprehensive. I would rather have more information rather than less.

Sep 24, 2012 9:22 pm

I should reference that I used TC for the 7 and did great. I only remember a couple questions on the 7 that I just flat out did not recall in my studying. Then again those could have been some of the new questions they are testing out.

I think TC had just found a way to condense the info into a manageable amount. I also agree with the notion it is better to have more info then less.

I also went poking around online at some other sites with sample 66 questions and scored great on those. Maybe I am just getting worked up over nothing… The score disparity just has shocked me a little.

Sep 25, 2012 12:37 am

Does anyone have an update on FINRA lawsuit versus Training Consultants. A hearing was scheduled for the 17th of September.

Sep 25, 2012 1:38 am

[quote=twootton]I should reference that I used TC for the 7 and did great. I only remember a couple questions on the 7 that I just flat out did not recall in my studying. Then again those could have been some of the new questions they are testing out.

I think TC had just found a way to condense the info into a manageable amount. I also agree with the notion it is better to have more info then less.

I also went poking around online at some other sites with sample 66 questions and scored great on those. Maybe I am just getting worked up over nothing… The score disparity just has shocked me a little.[/quote]

Seems to be the norm. Focus on the TC material but don’t try and depend on the questions. Make sure you know the “check mark highlighted” material.

Sep 25, 2012 4:11 am

Does anyone have an update on FINRA lawsuit versus Training Consultants. A hearing was scheduled for the 17th of September.

I googled it and still has old information pertaining to the hearing on 17 no updates as of yet

Oct 2, 2012 4:46 pm

the injunction is complete…google training consultants injunction