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Pass Perfect Series 7

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Feb 18, 2014 10:47 pm

I accepted a great position with Wells and my offer is contingent on me passing the 7 and 66.  I've been at it since the last week of Jan. and I wanted to see if anyone else has any advice for me since I cannot seem to hit a 75 on my midterm.  The midterm gives us 125 questions (options, equities, trading markets, and debt) w/ a 3 hr time limit.  I've taken the exam numerous times and i'm hitting 66-70. I cannot advance until I hit 75 and this is frustrating me greatly. A majority of the midterm consists of options questions which boggles my mind since the actual test will only be 25 questions....

I know this isn't the 6/63 but let me tell you, when I studied for those exams using STC's material the exams we took were easy to get past and while I was nervous about portions of the material (since I didn't really understand some of it) I was astonished at how easy the actual exam was so I'm hoping that the 7 isn't as bad as Pass Perfect makes it out to be.

I would love to hear any feedback you might have. Especially if you have used the Pass Perfect online system.  

Feb 19, 2014 8:26 pm

We are using a different brand and many are in the same boat as you. I would suggest finding outside curriculum that can aid – Kaplan is good and if STC will allow use their additional material to boost your low areas.

Feb 20, 2014 9:27 pm

As someone who is familiar with Pass Perfect’s materials, I can tell you the questions can be challenging which is a good thing. People who use Pass Perfect usually do well on the test. In fact, very few people who come to me looking for help used Pass Perfect. If your issue is getting past the mid term and If there are a lot of options questions on it, why don’t you study the options section and then take a mid term.

Apr 3, 2014 10:18 pm

After taking the 7 and missing it on the first attempt I can agree to disagree w/ you. Yes the questions are challenging and therefore thought provoking (pass perfect) but when I took the actual exam a vast majority of the questions were far different that what I was exposed to in pass perfect. I am starting to wonder if STC has a connection of some sort because I remember using their materials for the 6 and 63 back in 2010 and it seemed like a lot of the questions I came across in my STC materials were very similar to what was on the actual exam.

Apr 6, 2014 5:45 pm

That is fair. Prep providers should be helping students deal with concepts via their manuals and practice questions. If you understand the materials, you can do well on the actual exam. Prep providers should not have questions that look the same or almost the same as the actual test. I would think that if would be more difficult to create questions for the 7 that are similar to the actual exam compared to the 6.

Apr 10, 2014 8:09 pm

I took the 7 a few year back and missed it by 5 questions! now I’m with a new firm and actually just signed up to take an STC class that’s suppose to be really good…Costa Mesa, CA fyi.starts monday 4/14 … I’m a little biased cause I did my 6/63 with pass perfect and I love it! but unfortunately my firm uses STC which is the company I used last time I failed so I was thinking maybe you compare notes! PM me
good luck!