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Opportunity to Grow Your Book

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Nov 12, 2012 6:43 pm

My RIA provides financial planning and investment management services for our clients and I am currently seeking motivated individuals who need assistance getting in front of qualified prospects and looking to grow their current business.

For the last five years I have been developing a niche market in the Southeast and am now ready to build a team outside our core office.  Our niche market allows you to work on your own schedule and has nearly a 100% initial contact ratio; every time you pick up the phone you will speak with an individual who makes between $110-160k per year (compared to wasting your time and riding the emotional rollercoaster cold calling a couple hundred times per day).  In the last year I have refined the approach to convert over 60% of individuals from the initial meeting (not initial contact) into a client while gathering on average two referrals per client.  This opportunity would be a nice supplement to your current prospecting methods or replace it altogether.

I am open to working with individuals in any state however being near a mid/large sized city would be very beneficial.  My ideal team members would have at least two years of relevant industry experience.  Compensation is transparently based on revenue generated by each individual, for example: $5 million of investable assets produces $45k income coupled with compensation from planning fees and performance based bonus/expense allowance.  Additionally, there are no out of pocket costs (for technology, licensing, compliance, or E/O).  No quotas, hurdles, or management breathing down your neck.  Continuous support is provided and is customizable to your needs.

I am not trying to sell a system just simply looking for (up to) three individuals who want to grow within a proven model, spend more time in front of clients, make more money, and control their own future. 

PM me with either your resume or brief description of your current practice and contact information and I will reach out to you and schedule a time to discuss this opportunity in further detail.
