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Offered a position, but just one issue?!

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Feb 5, 2008 10:18 pm

I've been offered a position but only drawback, IMO, is that it's about an hour and a half drive from whre I'm at.  Work day usually begins around 8.  I'm in SOCAL, and traffic is a big issue.  Even at times if I time the drive right, the eta can fluctuate between a 40 to a 2hour drive.  They asked me to think about it and get back to them soon.  I'll be working under another advisor, pretty successful from what I've heard downt he grape vine.  I've been told as well that the advisor was hoping for someone local, which put's me out of their criteria.  I don't want to join in, and have the advisor already thinking negative opinions.  Should I hold off and wait for another opportunity?  I have other interviews down the line, but not as an FA but more into retail banking.  BTW, I will be an entry level, just out of college.  I'm in my early 20's and have had only experience in retail banking.

Feb 5, 2008 10:31 pm

try it..if it works out...move.  you are young!

Feb 5, 2008 10:58 pm

From my understanding for my FINRA licenses, if I am no longer associated with a broker-dealer or FA, I have 2 years till my licenses are no longer usable.  However, my life insurance license must be renewed every year? I think mine expires Oct of this year. 

Feb 6, 2008 12:07 am

[quote=g2bme]From my understanding for my FINRA licenses, if I am no longer associated with a broker-dealer or FA, I have 2 years till my licenses are no longer usable.  However, my life insurance license must be renewed every year? I think mine expires Oct of this year.  [/quote]

You don’t need a B/D to renew or hold your life insurance license.

Only other suggestion I’d add is this: you said you’re worried an advisor you’d be working for might not want you.  That would be a non-starter for me.  I would not accept any position where I had not had the opportunity to first interview directly with whoever I had to report to.  Use that opportunity to ask any & all questions, including your expressed concern.  Anything else is flying blind.

Feb 6, 2008 12:36 am

[quote=iceco1d]I’m by no means a seasoned veteran, but I think there are several big issues in your situation:

  a)  You are in SoCal...there should be a TON of BDs you could work for.  You are looking at some 10+ hours days for a few years at least - 2 or 3 hours of travel time probably isn't something you are going to want to do on top of it.    b)  It doesn't sound like you really have your heart set on being an FA.  This is not just another job you interview for and consider right after college...if you are totally committed, interested, and dedicated, you will both fail and hate every minute of it in the process.   I would spend a few hours reading the posts on this forum, and then think long and hard whether you want to dedicate the next 2 - 3 years of your life to this environment.    I'm NOT trying to discourage you at all, just offering my opinion.  I've been in production for about 6 months, and I'm in a unique situation -  However, I can tell you this: reading a few hundred threads on this forum while I was studying for my licenses was the best thing I could have done; without the insight I gained during that time, I would have surely failed out already, or be setup for failure soon. this forum.[/quote]     Likewise with the post above, I thank you very much for the replies.  I've been reading these forums as well since I got my 7, which was in August of last year.  Right now, I'm basically just trying to feel the waters, which I know isn't a good thing.  I have to just dive right in and basically swim and sprint to the success that this career will provide.  I know there are big obstacles to overcome.  I will interview with the FA after I get an interview with the regional manager.  The recruiter is a good friend of a resource of mine.  My eyes and ears right now are the recruiter, I'm basically going to talk to them tomorrow and just be upfront but at the same time lay out my goals and what I'd like to achieve.  I've always loved a sales + people atmosphere, and a good challenge.  Hopefully everything works out and i'll get some good out of this.