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Mar 10, 2009 4:05 pm

I just got calls from both of these companies. I read a lot of good info on here, but I did have a couple of questions:

Being 24, I don’t feel that I have a very good “natural market.” One positive I do have, though, is extensive business development from a previous position with the bank. I do think I would have luck getting into businesses to talk to employees. I have at least met every business owner in our county. Would this work well with either company’s business model? I met with American General a while back, and a big part of what they did was actually going into businesses and talking to the employees, almost like Aflac. Obviously with their background and the AIG situation, I wasn’t too keen on going to work there.

Also, with my being licensed already, how quickly can I expect to actually start making money? I saw Anon’s comment that it probably will take a month for a policy to be underwritten. Will I also be stuck in a training program the first month or so therefore not making anything for 2-3 months? (I don’t need much, just net maybe $1500.) If they have you shadow a seasoned rep, I would assume the seasoned rep is who gets paid on all the business being done? What will my first few months look like activity wise?

Someone did say something in a MassMutual post about a salary (not subsidy) program for the first year. Is there such a thing?

Also, I read that after you write 10 NWM policies, they will pay for your 7 training, but try to get you to just get your 6. Since I’ve already got my 6, will I even have the option of getting my 7? Does MM have the same type of program?

Sorry, I know these are really novice questions. I have an interview with NWM in the morning, and I know I can ask them there, but I want to go in knowing a little bit more.