More series 66
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I passed the series 7 last Thursday and have begun studying for the 66. I am scheduled to take it Sept. 29 and am using the Kaplan materials. I was thinking about supplementing my study guide and was wondering if anyone thinks an audio cd set is worth obtaining. I used Kaplan books and practice exams only for the 7 and was fine but am a little more worried about the 66 after reading past threads. I also found study notes on Ebay for the 66 for about $5 but they are based on the 2004 STC book. How much has the test changed since then? Would they be worth getting? Thanks.
I took the 66 in August and used the Series 66 materials only from Kaplan and did fine. I think you will be fine just using that, unless you really feel you need more. Study just as hard for the 66 as you did for the 7, maybe even a little more. More importantly, understand it, especially the differences between state and federal registrations and regulations. Do ALOT of the test bank questions. They help!