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Jul 26, 2007 7:42 pm

Hey kiddies.  When you do a lunch and learn at a business, do you bring a power point or just do a quick 5-minute presentation and then chit chat? 

For those of you that do these things,  what kind of success have you had?


Jul 27, 2007 3:07 am

Never, ever do powerpoint…  I always have handouts (something with my name and contact info as well as at least an outline.  I always ask them to fill out an evaluation with suggestions (& an opportunity to be on my mailing list).  I will do at least a 30-40 min. presentation & will take questions during the talk.  I always want a white board or worst case an easel with a pad of paper, so I can write out draw out illustrations/info.

Jul 27, 2007 3:28 pm

[quote=OldLady]Never, ever do powerpoint...  I always have handouts (something with my name and contact info as well as at least an outline.  I always ask them to fill out an evaluation with suggestions (& an opportunity to be on my mailing list).  I will do at least a 30-40 min. presentation & will take questions during the talk.  I always want a white board or worst case an easel with a pad of paper, so I can write out draw out illustrations/info.[/quote]

Do you go to the same place monthly or quarterly or only once?  If you go on a routinely basis, what might be some different topics you cover?

Jul 27, 2007 5:19 pm

lunch & learns?

Jul 28, 2007 2:52 am

AKA: Loser Lunch.  Don’t waste your time.

Jul 28, 2007 3:59 am

I don't do them anymore - but when I was new I'd take any opportunity to speak before anyone.  Helps to build a reputation, particularly if you want to mine a particular company. 

I did get some business from it, but not enough to continue as my clientele grew.  They tend to attract a lot of know-it-alls who want to demonstrate to their co-workers how knowledgable they are about investing &/or how wealthy they are. 

This is a contact sport & getting face-to-face with prospects is the key.  Lunch n Learns can help you do that -- so not a bad thing.  Primary problem is you can spend a hell of a lot of time trying to get in the door & get it set up, for the number of people you get in front of.  That's the primary downside -- too time consuming for what it results in.  If I were a newbie, I have more time than anything else.  Sure, I'd go for it again.  But you have to be careful that it doesn't become an excuse to avoid other prospecting