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Dec 8, 2009 4:32 pm

How is it again that without an office my p&l shows 500 in rent and 390 in phone usage when all I make is local calls? I know this will start a $hit$torm but its something that def. irks me. Spiff please explain this one to me…

Dec 8, 2009 4:39 pm

Why do you care???

Bring in assets and generate comm... You won't be profitable until you are doing $20K/month(depending where you are).   Jones has faults, but you shouldn't care about this because it doesn't effect your pay..
Dec 8, 2009 4:40 pm

Sorry I had a weak moment in defending Jones, that kool-aid takes years to fully get it out of the system…

Dec 8, 2009 4:42 pm


Are you working out of your house?  I would just send a service request to Branch Accounting.  I verify every number every month.  I have never had a mistake on my P&L.   If you are working out of another office, you are probably splitting some costs with that office.  My Legacy FA gets charged $500 and half my phone.  I get a corresponding credit on my P&L.  $390 is a lot for the phone, though.  Mine is much lower than that (like $100?).
Dec 8, 2009 4:46 pm

Because it DOES effect pay. The reasoning behind payout brackets being lower than indy is the overhead expense and back office support. If they are going to list these as expenses now it just is a foreshadowment of where it will be years from now when I am profitable. And I do in fact hope to pay my salary and overhead my first year in commissions. I am just weary on the accounting methods. I still think Jones gives the best startup opportunity out there in the bus. however I like the company who I split my commissions with to be upfront with me, just like my clients expect me to be upfront about the charges they incur to do business with me. Just a question I was wondering if this forum could answer. There has to be some reasonable explanation right?

Dec 8, 2009 4:49 pm

FA, I’m telling you, other than the infamous “Tech Charges”, I have verified each and every number on my P&L.  There is no fuzzy math, no hidden agendas.  Even the Tech charges are reasonable when you get the explanation from Accounting (not that I take advantage of all of the tech they charge me for, but the charges are all legit).  If you have specific questions, let me know.

Dec 8, 2009 4:55 pm

cause you are paying for my old phone…

Dec 8, 2009 4:55 pm

Thanks B24 I am out of my house for now new new. Appt for now but ill call home office this afternoon and figure it out.

Dec 8, 2009 4:58 pm

Because it DOES effect pay. The reasoning behind payout brackets being lower than indy is the overhead expense and back office support. If they are going to list these as expenses now it just is a foreshadowment of where it will be years from now when I am profitable. And I do in fact hope to pay my salary and overhead my first year in commissions. I am just weary on the accounting methods. I still think Jones gives the best startup opportunity out there in the bus. however I like the company who I split my commissions with to be upfront with me, just like my clients expect me to be upfront about the charges they incur to do business with me. Just a question I was wondering if this forum could answer. There has to be some reasonable explanation right?

  Not now it doesn't.. If you are out of your house, means you haven't been to PDP yet right? How about eval/grad?   There is no reason to worry about stuff like that until you are in an office. Ask "Still" he didn't do what he was supposed to "prospecting and bringing in assets" and now he is done... Bigger issues bigger issues
Dec 8, 2009 5:31 pm

I agree…focus on what makes you money. If you are worried about payout, Jones ain’t the place.

What I’m wondering: is that $500 + $390 coming out of your $2,000 they give you for start-up.

Dec 8, 2009 6:09 pm

Does it really matter? They aren’t charging you anything extra.

Dec 8, 2009 6:11 pm

I think that $2,000 is only for marketing expenses.  That $500 BS should only be for legacy FA's.  I'd call HO.