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Internal Wholesaler that wants to become an adviso

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Apr 19, 2009 6:07 am

I am 27 years old and live in the Windsor, CT area. I have been in internal wholesaler for both VA and fixed annuities for 4 years. I worked from Prudential and MassMutual. I really would love to get into the game but not sure how to go about it. At first I was thinking of becoming a fund wholesaler but not sure how to go about that either.  So I have to take care of my family so I am worried about the start up period while building my pipeline. I unfortunately do not have a good natural market and poor family and friends(good people mind you but just not very successful , they live paycheck to paycheck) I was think that I could start at a bank that gives you a salary while you are starting.   Any help our guidance would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you all. 

Apr 19, 2009 7:48 pm

Try a regional bank, small local bank, or credit union that has an investment program. Be sure to check if the bankers have referral goals. If you can get into a nice program that will help you build a book, you’ll do much better than starting cold at a wire house.

Ask your external wholesalers who has a good program…they should know!

Apr 19, 2009 11:15 pm

Since you worked for two insurance companies, why not look at becoming a career agent?  Plus, you mention you have a natural market that lacks a lot of financial resources.  You can make a good living and help those folks of limited means out by protecting their lives and their income through various insurance products.

Apr 20, 2009 12:20 am

I agree about the bank thanks so much I will do that.  I would love to help the people that i know out but like i said they actually live paycheck to paycheck so they cant barley afford gas nevermind any insurance product but I really appreciate the response and advice.  Does anyone know of what a good referral program is… Also if I am looking for jobs what is the job name I would be searching for and is there a good website to look on?