Insurance Commissions
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First time long time…
I’ve been reading a lot of the posts here over the past few months and have gotten a lot out of most of them. I am now writing because I have a few questions and I hope you can help me out.
I’m a new FA who was let go today. I’m not going to get into the bashing business, it didn’t work out with the company I was with.
I do have 3 life insurance policies that I sold that are still outstanding - they are still in underwriting as of this morning (all with The Hartford). Assuming that all or some of them still go through, how or can I still be paid on them? The first year annual premium is about $2500 total on the three policies.
I did transfer in some accounts, about $75k. Is there a quick way to get these accounts, if the clients are willing (I’m aware of the non-soliciting), back to me with some other firm, independent or another way? I was in the process of meeting with someone later this week about finalizing a transfer of about a $500k account, but now I need to figure something out. Is there anything specific I should say to the people who I transferred in? To the person I’m supposed to meet with later this week about the $500k account?
Thank you.
Who were you with and where do you want to go?
Also, I would prefer a little more bashing, if you don’t mind…
You won’t get any commissions on any of those pending apps. The best thing for you to do would be to find a buddy in your old office you trust and re-write the commission ticket so he gets agent of record and the commission and have him give you some cash under the table.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
I was with EJ, Still@Jones. I don’t know where I want to go. I want to stay in the business. I’m not really sure what my alternatives are. I don’t know what I would say to prospective employers, I know from other posters that EJ has pretty low standards. There were some childcare issues (I have 3 kids under the age of 10,
including a 1-year-old) that at the time were difficult to overcome
(wife was working from home, going to school part-timecouldn’t really
afford day-care). Prospecting was tough, time-wise. However, these
issues have recently been cleared up.
I had a few other things that were in the pipeline that would eventually produce pretty nicely, assuming of course, they went through.
Can someone at EJ do that (rewrite the ticket)? There is another advisor in my town that I could talk with.
[quote=ajthefa]I was with EJ, Still@Jones. I don’t know where I want to go. I want to stay in the business. I’m not really sure what my alternatives are. I don’t know what I would say to prospective employers, I know from other posters that EJ has pretty low standards. There were some childcare issues (I have 3 kids under the age of 10,
including a 1-year-old) that at the time were difficult to overcome
(wife was working from home, going to school part-timecouldn’t really
afford day-care). Prospecting was tough, time-wise. However, these
issues have recently been cleared up.
I had a few other things that were in the pipeline that would eventually produce pretty nicely, assuming of course, they went through.
Can someone at EJ do that (rewrite the ticket)? There is another advisor in my town that I could talk with.
Directing traffic at your old firm is illegal and so is someone paying you under the table. Go find a job, so you can feed your family.
He can split commissions as long as his licenses are current.
[quote=ajthefa]I was with EJ, Still@Jones. I don’t know where I want to go. I want to stay in the business. I’m not really sure what my alternatives are. I don’t know what I would say to prospective employers, I know from other posters that EJ has pretty low standards. There were some childcare issues (I have 3 kids under the age of 10,
including a 1-year-old) that at the time were difficult to overcome
(wife was working from home, going to school part-timecouldn’t really
afford day-care). Prospecting was tough, time-wise. However, these
issues have recently been cleared up.
I had a few other things that were in the pipeline that would eventually produce pretty nicely, assuming of course, they went through.
Can someone at EJ do that (rewrite the ticket)? There is another advisor in my town that I could talk with.
How are you going to do this, have the client free-look the policy or have the client call to request the application be withdrawn? In either case it’s going to be in their MIB report that they requested insurance and did one of the two things above, probably not a big deal, but what if they don’t receive as good a rating from another carrier?
Also you don’t have E&O anymore. These applicants will just take their Hartford policies if you don’t get involved and if you do get involved and get them to re-submit elsewhere you better hope nothing happens to them in the meantime or you won’t need to worry about signing on with another company because your licenses will be gone and you’ll be in personal bankruptcy court.
Your investment prospects you can do with what you want, but you had better tread lightly with the submitted life applications.
Thank you all for the information. I wasn’t sure about the insurance. I was planning on calling The Hartford today.
Any idea about what to say to prospective client that I have? Or to anyone else that I talk about pertaining to leave EJ?
My bad. I was thinking securities, not insurance.
No problem, buddy. You and I are going to need to talk EIAs in the next couple weeks. I’ve got a presentation to a woman interested in putting $50-75k into one of them, meeting is scheduled for the 2nd week of October.
[quote=ajthefa]I was with EJ, Still@Jones. I don’t know where I want to go. I want to stay in the business. I’m not really sure what my alternatives are. I don’t know what I would say to prospective employers, I know from other posters that EJ has pretty low standards. There were some childcare issues (I have 3 kids under the age of 10,
including a 1-year-old) that at the time were difficult to overcome
(wife was working from home, going to school part-timecouldn’t really
afford day-care). Prospecting was tough, time-wise. However, these
issues have recently been cleared up.
I had a few other things that were in the pipeline that would eventually produce pretty nicely, assuming of course, they went through.
Can someone at EJ do that (rewrite the ticket)? There is another advisor in my town that I could talk with.
Wow! that’s where I used to work.
Don’t worry about finding another firm…you’ll get lots of interviews.
I’m ex-jones and in one of my interviews, the hiring manager said, new hires have a 10% chance of making it 3 years…with my Jones experience, he said I have a 30% chance of making it 3 years (Although, if that manager read some of my posts here, he might drop that number to 5%). He also doesn’t have to pay the same training costs he pays for new hires…
Don’t worry, you’ll get a job quickly…although, you should first decide if you really want to be in this industry.