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How does one get hired onto a team?

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Jun 30, 2009 4:53 am

Several posts on this board have extolled the virtues of getting hired onto a team of FAs.  I've also heard this from other peers in the industry.  My question is:  how the heck does one go about finding teams that are hiring?  I never see those positions posted on any popular job search engines or elsewhere.

Any input is greatly appreciated.
Jun 30, 2009 5:05 am

That is because these positions are not open long enough, if open at all (most have a stack of resumes on file), to post them on job boards.

  You prospect teams and sell yourself to them. Use phone books, drive around, ask anyone and everyone that may know. If you can prove to be of value to them, they may listen.   Good luck
Jun 30, 2009 12:03 pm

In the business for at least 5 years and probably a CFP, by now? Face the music…if you’re hoping to get hired by a team to save your career, give it up. You don’t have what it takes. Go find something else to do.