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Just out of curiosity. What were your guys hours like starting out as a RR?
[quote=Still@jones]Mine are 60 also, although I had one last week that was 55. I’m not sure why.
Maybe Jones GP’s have figured out how to take a 12% haircut on each hour of your life as well?
The first two years in the business, the only context in which you should use, or even think, about the word hours today is “how many HOURS can i cold call today?”
It should be around that many hours. A little less for some a lilttle more for others. If you keep it up you will be in a good situation two years from now. Search for “500 Day War” on this forum for some great info of what you should be doing for the first couple years.
You get to work half days. You just have to pick which half of the day you want to work: the first 12 hours or the second 12 hours.
14-15 hours a day 6 days a week is not normal. If someone can do that and be productive for that long, they’ll be a superstar. Very few people can do it.