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GoodKnight offer

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Aug 29, 2005 1:19 am

I have recently been offered a Level 2 goodnight in a town of 70,000 people.  At the time of the offer there was only 1 Jones IR in the city.  Within 4 weeks I have found out that two newnews will hit the town within the next 2 months.  I have just completed my phone interview.  Should I continue with the Jones hiring process or will there be too many ‘door knockers’ when I hit the scene. 

Aug 29, 2005 1:39 am

What's the demographic breakdown of the area?  If it's a fairly affluent or upper middle class area, it might be a good idea.  Keep in mind that 700 clients is only a 1% market penetration.  On the other hand, if the town is predominantly migrant farm workers, your odds aren't too good.  Is the broker doing the Goodknight doing so to help or is he/she feeling pressure from St. Louis?  I don't know how things are now, but a few years back when the firm was on the 10,000 office kick, the brokers were "encouraged" to do Goodknights, and many viewed it as a way to simply get rid of the trash in their books.  Keep in mind that EDJ is a firm that believes in getting every nickel on the plate, so there are significant numbers of VERY low end clients in everybody's book, and that might be just what you're getting.

I'm not saying that this might not be the opportunity of a lifetime for you, but I am suggesting that you look behind the door and see what's there.

Aug 31, 2005 11:12 pm

Chances are those other 2 doorknockers will be gone by the time you get your licensing and finish training.

Do yourself a favor, go out on a saturday in your town and go up to 20 people.  Introduce yourself to them and tell them what you are planning to do. 

The idea is to make conversation.  If you like it, I say go for it!  If after a few people you feel sick to your stomach or you want to call it quits, save yourself a lot of aggrevation and money.....