First 3 months
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Mar 5, 2010 3:35 am
Any newbies willing to share what their production has been for the first 3 months? I am trying to get an idea of what is realistic and what isn’t. I am shooting for $5K gross by second month(1 month ramp up period) am I aiming to high or is that chump change…
[quote]find at least 100k per week and the GDC will take care of itself[/quote]
That is what I was hoping on doing… Using commission products(EIA, VAs, Fixed Annuities, REITS) to keep up my production until i can add some fee revenue(which I know will take some time)
What about you wirehouse newbies aren’t you required to do $8k at the end of 3 months?? Or did you all fail out?