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Firm to independent .. Social change

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Jul 31, 2005 6:27 pm

Honestly I am non biased here so hopefully others can provide valuable information.

It seems there is a current move to independence for numerous reasons including freedom, commission return and more freedom.

When did this revolution start? As in did independent growth blossom into real growth.. For an example 30% increase in independent firms over a 5 year period?

Jul 31, 2005 6:50 pm

WOW... Really when I was in Kuwait.......

Actually a friend or associate informed me that his decision to move to independent was right after the 11th.

Aug 2, 2005 5:41 am

hmmmm…looks like a few posts disappeared from this thread too???

Aug 2, 2005 7:10 am


Honestly I am non biased here so hopefully others can provide valuable information.

It seems there is a current move to independence for numerous reasons including freedom, commission return and more freedom.

When did this revolution start? As in did independent growth blossom into real growth.. For an example 30% increase in independent firms over a 5 year period?


Yea Pres. Bush sent in the troops did you miss that?  The TalibanAgencies had no chance.

Brother Charlie here now with historical commentary