EDJ Laptop
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Apr 23, 2008 4:48 am
I’m just wondering out of pure curiosity but does anyone know what kind of laptop EDJ currently gives you when you start training? All they told me was it was a tablet. Anyone know anything more specific?
Hey DrayCoxx,
Congratulations with the job at EJ, hope the laptop will be wireless so that you can get a great tan ... training in the summer outside. sounds like an added benefit. Suppose you could always extend the cable connection outside if that applies On average we only have 70-80 summers, so the demographics go ... so enjoy this one I know the pay is low to start, but you won't have to pay any travel costs to work for a few months .. hey that is an added benefit and must reduce your expensesYep, they are all toshibas and they are wireless. Don’t get to excited though, the tablets are very restricted for obvious security reasons. Consider it a work only computer.