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Feb 26, 2007 7:59 pm

Hi my name is leap from lillypad securities, here in anytown.  Are you familiar with who we are?

From time to time, we bring to market excellent tax free investments.  Is this something of interest to you?

No - Does this mean that you don't currently believe in savings or investments?

No, I am not interested - Are you more interested in dividend income?

What kinds of instruments DO allow you to gain the majority of your success?

Yes - These things come across my desk on occasion so is this the best time of day to reach you with some information?


Does this sound good or should I change it?  I seem to get some disconnect when I ask if they are familiar with who we are but I ask because I figured a yes early would help my cause.

Feb 27, 2007 1:33 am


Hi my name is leap from lillypad securities, here in anytown.  Are you familiar with who we are?

From time to time, we bring to market excellent tax free investments.  Is this something of interest to you?

No - Does this mean that you don't currently believe in savings or investments?

No, I am not interested - Are you more interested in dividend income?

What kinds of instruments DO allow you to gain the majority of your success?

Yes - These things come across my desk on occasion so is this the best time of day to reach you with some information?


Does this sound good or should I change it?  I seem to get some disconnect when I ask if they are familiar with who we are but I ask because I figured a yes early would help my cause.


A few tips...

1.  Don't open with a question that doesn't get you anywhere.  That would be like asking for a donation for veterans by asking "Are you familiar with the war of 1812?"  It doesn't matter, skip the BS.

2.  "From time to time, we bring to market excellent tax free investments.  Is this something of interest to you?"  That's a mouthful, you lost me at "From time to time."  How about you ask how much tax I just paid on my investment income for my 2006 taxes.  I bet it pissed me off and I bet I'd be willing to tell you how much I hate paying taxes.

3.  I'll tell you this because I hope you aren't in the same city...but instead of dividends and savings and blah blah blah, why don't you let the prospect talk.  All of these questions are Yes/No and then you talk some more.  Why not ask open ended questions to get them talking.  Like, "That's fine, I understand you are not interested in tax advantaged investing.  Let me just ask you one last question...what about your investments keeps you awake at night?"  That will get them talking.

Feb 27, 2007 1:35 am

Oh, and number 4, I can tell you are under the age of 30.  You use the word “Excellent” to describe a muni bond.  Save it for a “Bill and Ted” movie, retirees are going to be instantly turned off.