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Bankruptcy and SA position

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Dec 16, 2005 8:03 pm

I’m applying for a sales asst position at my local (very small) MS
branch. I’ve completed the application, signed the OK for a background
check, met briefly with the manager, and now await a formal interview.

My question is: When it’s discovered that I filed for Chap 7 bankruptcy
in 2003, how will that fact affect my job prospect? To what extent is
personal bankruptcy frowned upon in this industry in general and in
regards to a sales asst position in particular?

Thanks for any insights.

Dec 16, 2005 8:18 pm

 No reason to hire you.  Too much explaning to do to regulators on why the firm hired someone with bankruptcy in their background - ZERO upside for the firm.   Better call Wal-Mart or The Home Depot

Dec 16, 2005 9:03 pm

Grit, it's not quite as bleak as LL paints it.  If you were trying to become a rep with a recent bankruptcy like you have it would be extremely difficult to find something.  But, for an SA position there's greater leniency. 

But, you need to be able to fully explain how you got into trouble and discuss how you've acted since then to clean up things.  If the bankruptcy was due to some isolated event (divorce, illness, business failure, etc.) that's often looked at as less onerous than someone who simply was irresponsible in handling their money. 

Age/experience is sometimes a factor.  If you're young and relatively wet behind the ears, that may be viewed differently (more positively) from someone with a bankruptcy who's mature.  The young person can admit to their youthful mistakes and use that as a learning experience.  The mature person may be viewed as they should have known better.  Again, if it was caused by an isolated event that's more positive regardless of age.

Assuming they'll receive your credit report before your formal interview you might want to get some details to them in a letter before the interview.  Maybe call the hiring manager first to disclose the bankruptcy & tell him/her you'd like to provide an explanation.  Otherwise they may just see the bankruptcy on your report & not even invite you in for the interview.