Assessment at UBS
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Hi! I am a newbie wannabie, speaking to several b/d’s. UBS wants me to go to its assessment center next week.
I understand they want to see how a candidate may work/behave in a FA work setting, including conducting a seminar, speaking with prospective clients on the phone, prioritizing things, yada, yada, yada…
Has anyone been through this recently? Your input would be greatly appreciated.
Spikie - I have not seen their assessment, BUT…if you have to prioritize activites under pressure (ancient exercise - but still used) - just make sure you put the ‘high revenue’ producing activities first. Any client service activity should be last. Also - if they ask you if you ever drive over the speed limit - just say you do. If you say you never speed - the computer increases your ‘liar’ score.
Apprentice–thanks. I guess I have to cautiously select answers.
I am married to a trophy wife. I always drive over the speed limit. My children are gorgeous. I floss after every meal.
One of our new trainees did it about 6 weeks ago. It is a day in the life of a F/A. You sit at a desk for four hours, prospects will call you (actors) and you have to try to get a face to face appointment with them. They also send you emails and you have to relpy- eg RSVP to networking events etc.
He said it is pretty easy, just memorize some info about UBS and some talking points about yourself and the importance of financial planning - close the deal.
Hope this helps Good luck!
Looks like I passed the assessment, despite some mistakes I sure thought I made. My next step…to close the deal.
Apprentice and RedJacobs, thank you again.
[quote=Spikie]Looks like I passed the assessment, despite some mistakes I sure thought I made. My next close the deal.
Apprentice and RedJacobs, thank you again.
I'm about to take the same assessment. What mistakes do you think you might have made?
I am about to take the same assessment, and also a Newbie. What mistakes do you think you might have made?
[quote=Geuchon]I am about to take the same assessment, and also a Newbie. What mistakes do you think you might have made?[/quote]
I gave out sign-up sheets to my seminar participants, but forgot to collect them. I confused the day planner with the monthly action plan. And many more. Don’t forget to respond to high-priority/urgent emails.
Good luck.