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Any UBS FAs out there that can share some of their experiences with someone interviewing with UBS?

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Jun 25, 2015 9:49 pm

Hello WM forum goers,

Currently I'm interviewing with UBS, Wells Fargo, and Merrill Lynch for their newbie FA programs for people transitioning from other careers. I've been working in the political arena since college knowing i'd make the jump into wealth management at some point once I've gotten enough experience and contacts to make me feel comfortable with the transition. I have excellent referrals with WF and Merrill. However, I feel like I'd be a better fit with the program at UBS whom I have no referrals or contacts with. My family has had assets with UBS for many years and I like how they've been taken care off and the way their program is structured. Are there any UBS guys or gals on here that can share their thoughts and experience with UBS? Feel free to Private Message me. Thanks all.