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Advice for a Newb without a natural market

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Jun 29, 2011 9:41 pm

Next week I am going for my 2nd and I believe final interview with the BM at Merrill. I am told that an offer will be made at this interview or the day after. I don't have anyone in my natural market that I would consider HNW, so I am in for a steep climb to the top. I understand that groups and networking will be very important, but I was hoping that experienced FAs can give suggestions or tell stories about how they (or someone they know) made it without a natural market. I have ideas but experience is the best teacher. Please post up ideas. Thank you in advance. 

Jun 30, 2011 4:45 am

Cold call like your job depends on it. And it does!

Jun 30, 2011 4:46 am

Cold call like your job depends on it. And it does!