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Advancement in Northwestern Mutual Interview Process

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Aug 23, 2011 7:14 pm

There was a job opening posted on CareerBuilder for a Financial Rep. in Boston for the Boston Financial Group of the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network (NMFN), and I sent my application in through there.  I got a call from NMFN soon afterwards to schedule an interview. I went in for an interview last week and learned a great deal about the company, and I believe I can say the same for them about me. The man said that he will send me a second link to an assessment that I need to complete. I completed that within two days of the interview. It has been a week, and I have not heard back from NMFN. Would anyone happen to know if this is normal? How does advancement in the interview process work? Or did the assessment knock me out of the running for a Fin. Rep. position?