3 yr Canadian Economics degree..no work exp. which
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Hi Y’all!!
I graduated with a 3yr Economics degree from a Canadian University. I live in Toronto. I have been a stripper for years & now want to be a stock broker. Im studying for series 63 on my own. After passing the exam I want to get sponsored for series 7. Which firms should I try considering I have no work experience. I doubt grinding on people’s laps in a stripclub counts for much as “real work experience”. Also…what do u recommend as good study material for series 63?
Thanks in advance!
Come on guys…I need a firm that will will take a college grad with no experience & bad grades!
I’m afraid the only customers you’ll have are the ones who post here and will be happy to do some ‘biz’ with you. Big jobs. Small jobs. No job too ‘hard’ for you.
Megamonet…maybe the BJ was poor taste on my part. I have since deleted that as I wanna be treated seriously. So anyways…do u know good firms for me?
I feel like I’m not good enough for Merill Lynch etc as I donnt have a good GPA but too good for Edward’s door knocking.
Please suggest any good firms. Thanks.
...surely this is a troll...…maybe the BJ was poor taste on my part. I have since deleted that as I wanna be treated seriously.
Indyone…If I was a troll I would have justified my BJ skills. I apologized for coming on the wrong foot as a newbie. Now lets move on~!
So which firms for someone with a degree but no real world experience. Indy I see you are in Canada as well! HELP a sister out!
I know you don’t like them, but perhaps Edward Jones is your best bet starting out…they’re definitely hiring!
I know you don’t like them, but perhaps Edward Jones is your best bet starting out…they’re definitely hiring!
Thanks Indyone...I'll try them! One que..I know from this forum they make u cold walk & knock on doors but at what point do they give out laptops & sponsor for series 7. Is that from day one or after sponsoring? Sorry I'm new at this & I havent found those particular answers on this forum.
Blowjob, I think you need to go to your local Jones office, in your best blowjob clothes, and interview the broker. They might even want to bring you in to work with them. They will give you this packet full of valuable information on how much money you can make your first couple of years. Let them know how hard you can work and how you would do anything to suckceed. Good luck blowjob.
Blowjob, I think you need to go to your local Jones office, in your best blowjob clothes, and interview the broker. They might even want to bring you in to work with them. They will give you this packet full of valuable information on how much money you can make your first couple of years. Let them know how hard you can work and how you would do anything to suckceed. Good luck blowjob.
WOW..How did this turn into a circus . Spears u will not have the pleasure of experiencing my skills coz u are darn rude.
Anyways... is first year @ E.J. all commission or what's the base salary?
Circus?? I thought that was valuable advice. Maybe its your loss of pleasure, because I’m a great skills evaluator…
Circus?? I thought that was valuable advice. Maybe its your loss of pleasure, because I’m a great skills evaluator…
Shhhh…listen…listen…whats that sucking sound?
Sounds like u are horny. Bring $$$ to the titty bar!
Please lets not get distracted by B.J.s
Lets talk about what firms u recommend for me!
[quote=blowjobqueen] I apologized for coming on the wrong foot as a newbie. Now lets move on~!
Too late. Had your chance. Muffed it.
Why don’t YOU just move on? And the sooner the better.
If you really are a stripper and if you are interested in this career field, it would be best to get a new name and pretend you never posted here-next time, spare the details of your ‘other’ job unless you’re just a troll. No one has any respect for anyone in your career field, no doubt you are a prostitute, too. Nancy you are not, she was only researching the career field, you appear to be pimping for yourself here.
Call up firms you're interested in and get info, I'm partial to usaa. I'm a call center person but may get licensed and move to this salaried job. Ameriprise will hire anyone...maybe, even strippers, try there-I'd leave that off the resume, though but if they do a background check, your past follows you.