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2 year young ex BAI Pathways needs help

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Apr 1, 2009 6:16 pm

Hi all.

  I posted my resume out there and have received so many phone calls from so many firms.  I've gone to a few interviews so far, but newbie enough that I have no idea what direction to go in.  I LOVED selling all equities, bonds, funds, etc. etc.  I was a Pathways BAI person who was cut.  I did an excellent job there and didn't rely on my CM for help.  My concern is I have no idea in what direction to go in terms of what company.   Because I was burned at BAI and hearing all the complaints from non Pathway FA's, I am inclined to stay away from any bank brokerage firms.   Here's a list of who is pursuing me....any suggestions of who is good and who is not????   EJones Waddel Reed AXA New England Financial Smith Barney Two indie firms Country Financial New York Life Mass Mutual Allstate   All these are for financial advisor positions.   Any and ALL help with this would be awesome!!!
Apr 1, 2009 11:07 pm

Hmmm...Ameriprise isn't on that list.  You must be a college graduate?

All kidding aside, Mass Mutual and NYL are probably the best places to start out.  Selling insurance will be a less cutthroat type biz at this point in the economy.  Assuming you're under age 25 (correct me if I'm wrong), there are so many advisors and brokers out there killing each other for any piece of low hanging fruit, that anyone w/no experience and can barely grow peach fuzz on their face is dead man walking.  Unless your first name is Wind. 

Apr 2, 2009 7:42 pm

From what I have heard about Smith Barney hiring new people, and I may be wrong, they are moving towards teaming new FA’s with senior advisors. As a younger advisor with Merrill I can sympathize with what you are experiencing. Teaming is the best way to go to make it in this business as a young guy. Good luck in your search.

Apr 2, 2009 7:48 pm

Thank you for your input.  When I started with BAI, I would have loved to be teamed with a sr. level person.