Help the staff of identify the contenders for its annual Wealth Management Madness tournament by naming who you believe to be the most influential person in the industry over the past year. Fill out this form with the name of your top contender, and why. And look for the tournament bracket beginning in March. May the best man (or woman) win.

Nuveen Asset Management and Incaptial LLC announced that it launched an equity unit trust based on the 2015 predictions made by popular Nuveen portfolio manager and strategist Bob Doll. The firm launched a similar product last year based on Doll’s predictions, and while it took a large hit during October’s volatility, it has improved nearly 16 percent since it launched last January.

Want to get your clients to improve their financial planning? Tell them to start saving now for a spring vacation. That's the advice coming from Learnvest's Stephany Kirkpatrick, who said said that grown ups, like kids, need a goal in mind when saving money. So, instead of having clients store money away solely for long-term goals like their retirement nest eggs, they should be setting some aside here and there for some short-term and gratifying goals.

Do your clients bug you every year that they're paying too much in taxes, and there's no way that their buddies at work or down the street are paying as much as they are? Well, Kiplinger has created a simple tax calculator to determine just how everyone ranks. By simply putting in the AGI from the most recent tax return (or annual salary), anyone can find out how their income compares and what portion of the tax burden they bear.