A poll conducted by the Wall Street Journal’s Risk and Compliance Bureau found that Securities and Exchange Commission Chair Mary Jo White was the most feared regulator of 2014, just beating out Benjamin Lawsky, New York’s superintendent of financial services. Readers also ranked the hacking of companies like Target, Home Depot and Sony as the top compliance-related crises, and predicted that cybercrime will be the issue that grows the most in importance in 2015.
Fund marketers have pushed the misconception that investors need to have alternatives, Morningstar analyst Jason Kephart tells CNBC. But the complexity and relatively unknown track record amid market corrections means investors (and their advisors) should proceed with caution. "Alternatives are going to be one of the first things dumped when they start acting out," predicts Tim Maurer, director of personal finance for Buckingham and the BAM Alliance.
This is How Drinking Games Get Started

Business Insider has pulled together 14 phrases that analysts use regularly to sound wise, but really mean nothing. Classics like "I'm cautiously optimistic" and "the easy money has been made” are overly broad and vague, the publication argues, but can make users sound like stock-market wizards. So how many times do you catch yourself using these types of phrases or hearing them from the talking heads on TV?