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Creating an Article in Krang

  1. Log In to Krang

    • Go to
      *In this case it's

    • Type in your username and password
      *If you do not have a Username and Password, send an email to your Digital Content Strategist with your desired username/password and the website you would like access to. They will create an account for you and send back your login information.

    • Click on "Log In"
      *This will bring you to your home page (or Workspace [?]) in Krang
  2. Creating a New Story

    • Under the "Story" menu in the left column, click on "New Story" [Where's this?]

    • *Type: select "Article"
      *You can change all of the fields later except for this one: *Type

    • *Title: the title of your article
      *For this example: Oh No You Don't! - Be cautious of copying in special characters ( ' - ! " &, etc) from a Microsoft Word document, they might show up as weird characters. You can replace them manually in this field to make sure.

    • Slug: put in your slug [What is a slug?]
      *Formula for Creating a Slug: no more than five words, no spaces, and 4-digit month/day ending - keyword-keyword-keyword-MMDD
      • Example:
      • Title: Observations From My Spring Road Trip
      • Slug: observations-spring-trip-0408

    • *Cover Date: select the date you wish to show
      *For instance, if you are putting the story in a day early, you can have it show as the next day's date. [Where does this show in the article?]

    • *Site/Category: Select the category you want the article to appear in
      [Know what section or page you want the article to appear on, but don't know what the category is?]

    • When all fields are done, click "Create."
      *Note: if it doesn't go to the next page and brings back up this page with a field highlighted in yellow, follow the instructions on the screen. You can refer to this page for information on how to solve the problem for that field as well.
  3. Edit Story Screen: First Page - The Required Fields

    *This is everything needed other than the actual article content

    • The *Title, Slug, and *Cover Date are all imported from the previous page. This is where you can change them later if needed.

    • Don't worry about Priority or Contributors.

    • Promo Title:
      You can use this to show a different title on the site, vs. what you entered for the *Title field. Otherwise, this can be left blank and it will automatically use the *Title field.

    • Promo Teaser:
      This is the little bit of content that shows up under the story title when an article is displayed other places on the site (on the home page, archive pages, cover pages, etc). Whatever wording you would like to use to entice users on the site to click on this story is placed here. Often, a deck or the first sentence of your story works well.

    • Story SEO Title:
      The SEO title should be:

      • a literal description of what the article is about,
      • in as-few-word-as-possible,
      • and be under 60-65 characters long.

      Going over 65 characters is okay when required (particularly for specific subjects). [Where does SEO Title appear? | More information on SEO Titles]

    • Meta Keywords:
      These are the key terms in the article; from the most important to the specifics. They aren't seen by users, but search engines look at them to see if they match your Story SEO Title and Slug. These also help your article be found in Internal Search on the website. Include the keywords you want the article to show up for when searched (example: the words "the" "here" etc are not what you want people to type in to find these stories).

    • Meta Description:
      This is a descriptive summary about the content contained in the story. Meta Descriptions help search engines make sense of what the article will contain.

      It should be keyword rich and entice the reader to read the story. If your article contains a deck, you can place that in here. Article decks work well for Meta Descriptions. Meta Descriptions only appear as the promo teasers in some search engines' results pages. They do not show on your site at all.

    • Don't worry about Meta Source or Enhanced Content.

    • Deck:
      This is where you would place your deck if you have one for the article. Remember that they make good Promo Teasers and Meta Descriptions. [Where does the deck appear on the site?]

    • Byline:
      Create the byline if there is one. Be sure to include the words By, Source:, From, Excerpt From:, etc. if you want them to appear. [Where does the Byline appear on the site?]

    • You can ignore Link To Top Of Page, iCopyright Link, Syndicate, Suppress Headline, Suppress Date, Online Subscription Controls, Page (for now), Add Element, and Bulk Edit.

    • Sites/Categories:
      If the story has multiple categories, you can enter them by clicking on the Add Site/Category button towards the bottom of this section. You will see the same menu that you saw when you chose the category under Step 2 of this tutorial. You can then set the primary category if you have multiple categories. The primary category will be reflected in the article's URL [?]. You can also delete a category if you make a mistake or change your mind before you publish the article.

      Do not delete a primary category if it has already been published on the site. Search Engines will have indexed that page with that category in the URL. If that category is deleted, the search engine won't know where it is and will return an error page to the user. The more error pages a site has, the more a search engine will discount the site and we will lose weight in their rankings.

      If an error has been made on an article (and it has already been published), contact your Digital Content Strategist for advice on what to do.

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