Tamara Reynolds, a photographer based in Nashville who shot our cover story this month, says her first job was a dream come true — photographing Johnny Cash for Guitar Magazine. Since then she has met many interesting people and personalities working on projects for magazines like Readers Digest, People, Us, Fortune and Forbes. Repgirl and Ally Godfrey Reps came on board as representatives of her photography in 1999. They've worked on projects for Dixie, Dell, Publix, and for advertising agencies all over the country including DraftFCB, Eric Mower and C-K. In 2009, she had an exhibition for a project entitled “Nashville's Soul: Images of the Sacred.” A few of these were awarded an Honorable Mention in The Lucie Awards and can be seen at www.tamarareynoldsphotography.com.
Staff Writer Halah Touryalai wrote this month's story about RIAs picking off clients from wirehouse brokers. She's been with Registered Rep. since 2005 and thinks it might take at least another four years to understand the complexities of Wall Street. In that, Halah and the SEC have much common. When she's not busy trying to dig up dirty Wall Street secrets, Halah can be found reading all the books she ignored in college and sipping dirty martinis. Halah is extremely proud of her parents who have returned to their native country of Afghanistan after over 25 years to work as translators for the U.S. Army.
Stan Luxenberg has written about mutual funds and investing since the 1970s. Writing for The New York Times, Forbes, and other publications, he covered the beginning of the great bull market in 1982, the market crash of 1987, and the dot.com bust in 2000. He has written for many websites, including TheStreet.com and CNNMoney.com.
Bill Singer, who writes our Street Legal column, is the publisher of RRBDLAW.com and BrokeAnd Broker.com, and practices law at Stark & Stark, representing broker/dealers, registered persons and public investors. Bill was previously employed in the legal department of Smith Barney, Harris Upham & Co.; as a regulatory attorney with the American Stock Exchange and the NASD; and as a legal counsel to Integrated Resources Asset Management. Prior to becoming a lawyer, he was the third generation of his family in the wine business. Please visit Bill Singer's online resume at http://rrbdlaw.com/bios_singer.html.