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Everyone Likes a Bargain ... a Bargain Sale, That Is

In tax terms, a bargain sale is a sale to a charity for less than the fair market value (FMV) of the item being sold. These sales can be a real win-win: the charity acquires something it needs, but otherwise couldn't afford, and the donor/seller obtains cash and a tax deduction for the difference between the sales price and the FMV. Perhaps a hospital acquires a nearby parking garage, a church acquires

In tax terms, a bargain sale is a sale to a charity for less than the fair market value (FMV) of the item being sold. These sales can be a real win-win: the charity acquires something it needs, but otherwise couldn't afford, and the donor/seller obtains cash and a tax deduction for the difference between the sales price and the FMV. Perhaps a hospital acquires a nearby parking garage, a church acquires a home for its minister or a land trust acquires a conservation easement. Although less

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