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Wells Fargo Payout Grid?

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Jan 25, 2009 7:53 pm

Does anyone know what WFC Financial Consultants payout grid looks like?  I am ISG and we are told it is similar to our current one. Any help?

Jan 25, 2009 8:54 pm


Jan 25, 2009 9:45 pm

they are not identical, there are higher payouts at higher production levels as opposed to the WS ISG grid, and when I say higher, at the 1.5 mm range.

Jan 26, 2009 1:02 am

is isg now with wfc?   it was with ws before right?

Jan 26, 2009 2:51 am

We will go to the Wells grid next year it is very close to what we have.  A big diff is TBRk for wells the LFS gets 50% from the top not 10% from our net.  Long term it is a good thing it gives them a bigger incentive for investments. 

They also open small accounts with there name on the statement but the FA gets 50%  that has the client calling the LFS for service instead of the FA.  At WS I tell my LFS to never open accounts as they call me for service I can not get over spending a half hour with a $2000 that a LFS opened and it has my name on the account, Wells fixes this.   I know people that have been with Wells for years I am looking forward to the change. One negative no more 4 year VA's Wells does not allow them.