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UVEST Financial

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Sep 29, 2005 7:16 pm

Is anybody familiar with this company.  A community bank here with three branches uses this company.  (Securities offered by and Financial Consultants registered with UVEST Financial Services, member NASD, SIPC.).  I have never heard of them before, but would like to purse possible employment with this bank.

Thanks,  MB 

Sep 29, 2005 11:01 pm

We use them with our bank.  They are a broker/dealer based out of Charlotte, and they contract with and are geared toward community banks pretty much exclusively as far as I know.  They clear through Pershing.

As far as "getting a job" with them, you really are getting a job with the bank (if you're talking about being a RR).  Technically, you would be a "dual" employee.  They are still small enough to deal with folks directly, but they are growing rapidly and growing pains will happen.  They are doing well for us in my opinion all things considered.

I could tell you a ton more, but it's not going to help you right now.

Good luck.

Sep 30, 2005 10:24 pm

UVEST, Primevest, Invest, IFMG, XCU Capital, CUSO Financial, CUNA Mutual, etc...all specialize in providing insurance and brokerage services to financial institutions.