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Jan 12, 2008 12:49 am

Licensed but would be new to wire environment. Strongly considering UBS. Please PM me if there already; I’d like to go over a few things pre interview next week.

Jan 12, 2008 11:51 pm

Ask them about the Write Downs lol, also think about how committed they are to being in the US Securities Biz when times get tough…and do you like the idea or working for a foreign bank?

Jan 13, 2008 12:21 am

Regarding the write downs, are you recommending that I go to Merrill where this isn’t an issue? As far as the foreign aspect, in what way would this have a practical implication for an FA here?

Jan 13, 2008 12:53 am

[quote=xbanker]Regarding the write downs, are you recommending that I go to Merrill where this isn’t an issue? As far as the foreign aspect, in what way would this have a practical implication for an FA here?[/quote]

Just things to think about…clients read and react to things…I looked around after it was announced AGE was being bought out by Wachovia…my thoughts on UBS were that a Foreign bank will probably bail when times our tough…I think they still have a bit of an identity crisis from the PW/UBS merger…just wasnt my cup of tea. I wouldnt go to Merrill Either…I am not a big wirehouse guy after coming from AGE…which is one reason I am staying with Wachovia.

Jan 13, 2008 2:11 pm

…and do you like the idea or working for a foreign bank?<<

You know that Merrill Lynch has now consigned itself to being a ministry of the foreign Government that is buying it!

By the way is anyone else concerned that both Merrill and Citi are becoming subsidiaries of foreign Governments (not companies!)? I think it’s as dangerous as Dubai ports fiasco of a few years ago.

Jan 14, 2008 9:59 pm

Wear a blue shirt for ur interview. Blue makes u more likeable! Also smile & if need be start whitening ur teeth NOW. I recommend a tooth whitener from Sephora. Takes abt 10days. But in desparation Crest White strips also work! Good luck Papi!