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Storm Brewing at Jones

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May 11, 2010 2:18 am

What is going on in mgmt at Jones. I have heard that over the past couple of weeks the suggestion box has been out of control. While I was there it seems like they kept things under control? Not that I care a whole lot but how is mgmt gonna fix it this time? Weddle's open approach in communication could be pandora's box.

May 11, 2010 1:10 pm

Nothing seems out of the ordinary to me.  They upped the minimum production requirements, so that probably got some things stirred up.  But nothing else noteworthy.

May 11, 2010 1:36 pm

Is it the number of communications in the sugg box that concerns you? The tone?

Management is exerting its right to pressure its reps to proudce more profit. If they don't like it , I am sure there is an indy house somewhere that will take them. The message ulitmately is if you aren't the man, then someone can alter your course with a keystroke.

To be fair, Jones let complaceny set in long ago. In the era of profitablity is all that matters (guys/gals it means revenue is important but profits are far more important) expect the two person office (or some form of sharing of expenses) in the future. It only makes sense and Weddle does have an accounting background...

Which beckons the question, why continue the Canadian experiment at the expense of the US FA? Maybe someone in your firm could construct a reasonable argument...I doubt it.

May 11, 2010 1:38 pm

I have heard that the suggestion box is littered with complaints? While I was there even under Weddle the amount of negative comments were kept under "control" from what I have seen and heard there are a lot more complaints from veterans ( I use that term loosely) complaining and saying they are leaving 10-15 yr folks..

May 11, 2010 1:53 pm


Is it the number of communications in the sugg box that concerns you? The tone?

Management is exerting its right to pressure its reps to proudce more profit. If they don't like it , I am sure there is an indy house somewhere that will take them. The message ulitmately is if you aren't the man, then someone can alter your course with a keystroke.

To be fair, Jones let complaceny set in long ago. In the era of profitablity is all that matters (guys/gals it means revenue is important but profits are far more important) expect the two person office (or some form of sharing of expenses) in the future. It only makes sense and Weddle does have an accounting background...

Which beckons the question, why continue the Canadian experiment at the expense of the US FA? Maybe someone in your firm could construct a reasonable argument...I doubt it.


More the tone... It doesn't concern me I don't work there anymore... I have close friends that are there. So naturally this change in the tone is somewhat new to me. I have already admitted that I was no "super producer" or anything like that...I just was not happy with multiple I left.  The complacency thing has the potential to cause a problem in the ranks..I heard over and over...make seg 3 become profitable and they leave you alone. I made seg 4 then a few month later seg 5 I am sure there will be a seg 6 soon under the pretense "we felt it necessary for training purposes" probably around the 750k mark.  Management has that right but I also think Jones is struggling from an image issue (Hence the new ad campaign) to sound more sophisticated.  When you pull back the curtain is the same thing just marketed differently.

Jones (at least in my mind) will never deviate from their market. Middle class america that is too big for the bank and too small for the wirehouses in most areas. In rural communities being the only game in town will still be the bread and butter. I will always concede that no one does that better than jones in rural areas you can't touch them there. In larger metro areas is where the system does not work as well and multiple FA offices may work well. In fact I think to an extent it could be the best thing they could do..