Smith Barney
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I’ve got an interview at Smith Barney this friday. I’d like to know more about working at the firm, and thier product selections, corporate culture, etc.
great firm, comprehensive platform, solid training program- take it if offered.
the real question is why don't you just get out of the business instead of wasting another 6/8 years of your life (like it did)?
Why do they let this ass dirk stay on this forum? He’s a complete waste of human flesh. The world would alot better off if a freakin metor fell on his head.
[quote=kashanti]Why do they let this ass dirk stay on this forum? He’s a complete waste of human flesh. The world would alot better off if a freakin metor fell on his head.[/quote]
What is a “metor”? Do you mean like a water meter?