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Scandalous Merrill broker from Brazil

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Oct 1, 2006 4:07 am

As the saying goes, “when in Rome, do as the Romans do”?

Oct 1, 2006 4:13 am

That Merrill guy has nice buns!

Thank you, Skeedaddy2, for sharing with us girls!

Oct 1, 2006 4:15 am

Your welcome. I predict his business goes through the roof next year.

Oct 1, 2006 4:18 am

Martha Stewart's in the market for a new Merrill guy. This one looks like he can do more than tango.

Bet business is real good for him next year even if Stan's blood pressure is probably 140/200 by now!

Oct 1, 2006 6:59 pm

You know  the old joke:

Q: What’s the difference between a rooster and a stockbroker?

A: A rooster “clucks defiance”
var SymRealOnLoad;
var SymReal;

{ = SymWinOpen;
if(SymReal != null)

if(SymRealOnLoad != null)
SymRealOnLoad(); = SymRealWinOpen;
SymReal = window.;
window. = Sym;

SymRealOnLoad = window.onload;
window.onload = SymOnLoad;


Oct 1, 2006 8:05 pm

[quote=Sailor25]You know  the old joke:

Q: What's the difference between a rooster and a stockbroker?

A: A rooster "clucks defiance"
<!-- var SymRealOnLoad; var SymReal;

{ = SymWinOpen;
if(SymReal != null)

if(SymRealOnLoad != null)
SymRealOnLoad(); = SymRealWinOpen;
SymReal = window.;
window. = Sym;

SymRealOnLoad = window.onload;
window.onload = SymOnLoad;


That was good.

Oct 1, 2006 8:08 pm

Do you know the difference between a midget con artist and a prostitute with an STD?

The first one is a cunning runt....