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Nov 21, 2006 6:57 pm

Since this is a platform for financial advisors to assist each other and offer non- biased advice, was wondering if anyone knew any RSM'( regional sales managers) in the Broklyn NY area , or NYC, in a bank platform.that would be interested in a consultant. You can send Private emails as well. Im looking to get in and I figured since it's the end of year, there would be a push to fill spots for next year.

Nov 21, 2006 7:09 pm


Since this is a platform for financial advisors to assist each other and offer non- biased advice, was wondering if anyone knew any RSM’( regional sales managers) in the Broklyn NY area , or NYC, in a bank platform.that would be interested in a consultant. You can send Private emails as well. Im looking to get in and I figured since it’s the end of year, there would be a push to fill spots for next year.


Exactly, because of course they’re staffing up for the busy Christmas shopping season…
Nov 21, 2006 7:12 pm

ya never know. New year, new budget, good luck.

Nov 21, 2006 8:46 pm