Pathways Roadblocks
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Has anyone heard anything about the BAI trainee program being cut???
Really…Where did you hear this from? A credible source? A hunch? And does your avatar pertain to your personal or professional life?
Firm is cutting ALL expenses. Pathways is an expense that is viewed as not needed. Did they cut comp?
mmm...yes and no...they cut the bonus in half for the Q4 and then the bonus is judged on the top 1/3 of peer group instead of the Market Directors discretion....
if i was pathways broker at BAi i would be looking for another job right now unless you are producing big numbers.
Most Pathways brokers (if they haven’t already quit) are being “encouraged” to go onto the FA I Plan. 30% payout.
No one has quit…I haven’t heard that about Pathways moving to FA I…But I have heard everyone everyone producing under 350 is gone…my feeling is that if they keep the FA I ones then top performing trainees will get to stay…but if not only the guys with corner offices will be around…