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Moving from Edwards to Wachovia

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Oct 30, 2006 3:44 am

Does anyone have any recent experience in moving to Wachovia from A G Edwards?  Any thoughts on the firm overall, transition package, and any tips for moving?  Any helpful thoughts would be appreciated.  Thx

Oct 30, 2006 1:56 pm


Does anyone have any recent experience in moving to Wachovia from A G Edwards?  Any thoughts on the firm overall, transition package, and any tips for moving?  Any helpful thoughts would be appreciated.  Thx


All of us have moved from Edwards to Wachovia.

Oct 31, 2006 4:09 am

Dear My Inner Child,

I don't understand my Wachovia or any other firm would take you.  You seem to have nothing to offer.  Why did you bother to post?  You offered no helpful insights.  Is it just a sarcastic remark to make you feel better about yourself?  Do you feel better about yourself?  Because you offered zero help or insight, which makes me think that is all you have to offer your clients.  Maybe you should practice saying "paper or plastic" to get ready for your next move.  Wait, what was that?  Oh, it was the store manager telling you that you have a "wet clean up" in aisle 5, next to the can goods. 

Thanks anyway, Inner Child, and good luck with the union wages!

Oct 31, 2006 5:50 pm

just ignore Child, who must be the latest version of Put.  don’t respond to that idiot.

Oct 31, 2006 10:22 pm

I think it’s more likely another incarnation of Dirk Diggler/Knucklehead.  No way could an incarnation of Put only have 60 posts in the last 24 days…that’s only 2.5 posts per day an that would put Putsy in withdrawal mode.

Nov 1, 2006 3:04 am

I thought Inner Moron was new version of NASD Newbie or the current Devils Advocate. Could there be this many people that are such dweebs?